Getting Ready

I am all excited about this school year. I'm really looking forward to being back home and starting our home school year on September 16th.

I ordered all of the books last night. (I'll list what I ordered at the end.)  Another thing I did was join a homeschool group.  Within the 6 years of home educating, I've searched high and low for one that have the same Biblical beliefs that our family has. We participated with a  group while we were in Montana, but it was more a weekly get together so the children could be with others. There was nothing really going on.

I am so amazed at all the groups out there that are geared towards just "play dates."  Another thing I noticed was all the groups that are open to just anyone ~ as long as they are home educating their children. Many are only opened to C*tholics, M*slims and New Agers.

I did notice that there were not many Bible believing churches with home educators that have a group. Or if they do, they do not have it listed as a "ministry" on their websites. This makes it hard for people like me looking for a group that believes the same thing.

May I make a suggestion? If I have any Pastors that visit... If you have a group of members that home educate, consider starting a support group. Or maybe if you already have a group, let others (like minded) know about it.  There are those who are looking for a good group to join.

You can read about the first stage of my planning for this year HERE.

Now on to our curriculum for this year~

Bible ~ We'll be finishing up the Building Castles by Positive Action for Christ
Math ~ Teaching Textbooks ~~ I'm really excited about this one!!!!
Grammar ~ Abeka Language B
Spelling and Vocabulary ~  Apples Daily  Spelling Drills  and  Wordly Wise 3000
History ~ Mystery of History
Geography ~ I've not ordered this yet, since it is out of stock.
Science ~ Apologia  Human Anatomy and Physiology 
Penmanship and Copywork ~ I created my own booklets from HERE
Reading ~ Classics and living books
I'm also adding Calligraphy but not the typing at this time.