A Lot of Work

Having the freedom of home educating my son is something I don't take lightly. I am the one who chooses the curriculum that is being taught in our home. I am the one who decides when it is time to toss something or to try something different. We are an independent home educating family.

We are not under the control of the government or another institution.  I will say this ~ I am a legal home educator. I do follow the laws of Georgia by sending in all the required paper work. Our family is also a member of the HLA.  I honestly believe that it is the best money any home educating family can spend on protecting their family.

Over the past week or so, I have seen more and more information coming out about Virtual School. When my son was in third grade, I was first introduced to this option of home educating. After looking this over I knew that it was not an option for us. We met two pastor's families that use this type of education, while we were on deputation; I was intrigued by what I heard, but yet a little leery.

Home educating is not an easy job. It takes time and effort for it to work.  As a parent, I spend several hours a week preparing for lessons.  I spend countless hours throughout the year surfing the internet for more ~ more ideas, helps, tips, lesson plans, the list goes on. We start school around 9:30 every morning and we work until everything is finished, usually around 2:00.  I will be the first to say, I wish I had more hours in the day. There are so many things that I would love to be able to work on but at this moment in my life, the most important thing is my son's education.

Last week over at Google + someone had a link to a story about Rick Santorum and how his children were "homeschooled". Before I go on, I am not throwing punches, nor am I putting my stamp of approval on anyone. You can read the article HERE. Of course, most Americans know for anyone to be in politics there has to be some dishonesty (that's a whole different story). You will see it in this article.

This morning, I found a very interesting post written by my friend Betty over at the Peace Creek on the Prairie on the differences of  home schooling and virtual schooling. Be sure to read watch the video and read the New York Post link ~ very eye opening!

If you missed why we chose to home educate, you can read about it HERE and HERE. I am a proud Traditional Home Educator!