A Little Excitement and a Blessing

When plans don’t go according to plan… make new plans.

I can't believe I let Friday get away from me without posting about our week.

We have had a wonderful week. We've been busily, studying trying to stay ahead since Jamie has Bullriding school in April. We will be having take off a Friday, so we can make the trip to Oklahoma. I was excited when we got the notice about the deposit we sent. I'm not sure who is more excited me or Jamie. I'm just excited about the thought of being within 40 miles from Chick-fil-A. :)

We've are on Module 3 in Science, we experimented with water density earlier in the week. Quite a bit of fun with that experiment.

For History we have finished up the Revolutionary battles in the Northeast. Being a southern family and living within driving distance for day trips, we always visited places of history. Jamie mentioned to me, he thought the war was in Georgia also. I giggled, and told him it was and reminded him of the Kettle Creek Battlefield we visited several years ago. Our book divided the battles up in sections, so this caught him off guard a bit.

I've been anxiously awaiting my seed catalogs. Several have arrived the last few days and I've been dreaming of a garden. Although, we really don't have any room here for a garden, we are planning on container gardening this year. Since we are in a new growing zone, the waiting to plant is going to drive me nutty.

From what I can see, the original owner of this house did not plant anything except for a few irises beside the garage and used containers for a couple of annuals. With the catalogs coming in the mail, I've been using the National Gardening Association's website for plants to use in the front yard. I need flowers and plants! A house just isn't a house without beautiful plants and flowers.

On Friday, we were suppose to go to Miles City for a fellowship with the church where we have been visiting. But things didn't work out as we had planned, so we went bowling in town. We had quite a bit of fun just hanging out and doing something we all like to do.  Sadly, it's been a while since we've been bowling. We all did pretty well considering it's been several years since we've been. I loved watching Jamie and his shy self after he threw his ball. He would puts his hands in his pockets and not look around at other people.  He is very much like me and can't stand the thought of other people watching him. My sweet husband bowled like he always has ~ by beating us in both games. My little Canon camera I've had for 5 years is on its last leg. You can tell it in all the pictures from last night. These are the best three that we got.

I'm thankful our plans did not work out as we expected, because God blessed us with a needed item. Our landlord called and asked me if we would like it, and I quickly said yes. That item was delivered yesterday afternoon. I love how the Lord always provides!