Theodore Roosevelt National Park

On Saturday, we visited the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The weather in this area has been beautiful for the past several days, and Saturday was no exception.  When we came through North Dakota and saw Painted Canyon and a couple of the bison in September, I said then I wanted to visit.

This national park is not like many others with a lot to see. If you've been to the Grand Canyon, or Yellowstone you know what I'm talking about. There are still some ooh and aah moments you won't want to miss. There are two parts to the park the North Unit and the South Unit. We visited the South Unit and are planning on visiting the North Unit in a week or so.

Many people think South Dakota is the home of the badlands but in reality, they can be found here in Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming, and several other western states. TRNP is home of beautiful scenery from badland canyons, to grassland with the Little Missouri River flowing through it.

The park entrance is right outside of the tiny city of Medora. A rather cute western city that has preserved its history over the years.

This is the Maltese Cross Cabin where Theodore Roosevelt lived when he came out for his hunting trips. This is not the original location of the cabin, but can you imagine living here? I know I can, even with only three rooms; kitchen, bedroom, living room area. Actually, a bathroom would be nice and maybe one more bedroom. :)

Just a few pictures of some of the items in the museum.   
If I remember correctly, the writing desk in the middle and the trunk(which I did not get a picture of) are the only original items to Theodore Roosevelt in the cabin.

Being goofy in the President's house.

In the park are many small herds of wild horses. The next two pictures are of a group with one stallion and the rest are mares with colts and one more on the way. The stallion in the first picture is "lip curling" an act that he does because she is in heat. They did the deed and I have a picture, but I didn't add it.  :)  Don't shake your head at me... how many people can say they have seen wild horses mate?

The above wild stallion has a harem of 8 mares. The one on the far left almost missed out on being Frog's Lilypad famous because she and her colt moved.

                                 There were lots of nursing mothers and babies.

This was the only baby bison we saw.

These little guys were all over the place in the Prairie dog towns throughout the park. Jamie waited patiently for this one to stand up it's not very clear, but since he did wait, I wanted to show you.

We got to see the aftermath of a horse and bison knock down drag out. We saw this young stallion limping and saw the gaping wound on his leg.

After we drove past the horse, the bully bison went running after him again. Yep, I was hanging out of the truck window so I could get this picture.

Wind Canyon, oh my! This place was beautimus and we quickly learned why it is called Wind Canyon. Let's just say, my hair was standing straight up and out because of the wind. I have pictures of the horrifying scene, but I think you can use your imagination .

We didn't get to go up to Painted Canyon because their visitor center is closed until Memorial Day. But we did find out we can walk through the gate and go and see the canyon. We'll be doing that when we head up to the North Unit.

This is how we spent our Saturday ~ enjoying the amazing work of the Lord.