Homemade Deodorant

For several years, I have been seeing the words HOMEMADE DEODORANT on the internet. The first time I read about making deodorant myself, it was in an article about the chemicals in store bought and how they are used to keep you from sweating and the links to cancer and aluminum. Well, if you're like me then you don't want to smell sweaty pits. :P BUT... sweating is a natural way for your body to cool itself and to expel toxins.

I finally decided I would give homemade deodorant a try at the end of March. Let me tell you, I was a little worried about it not working;  so worried, I carried my spare store bought container in my purse when we went to church the first Sunday I wore it. I even carried it with us to Oklahoma; I just wanted to make sure I was not going to stink. Both times, this simple homemade product worked.

I know what you are wondering...Do I sweat? Yes and no. When I first started this, I noticed sweat even with colder temperatures but it has pretty much stopped.  Lately, I really don't have any sweat wetness even when I go to the gym and work out in the yard. I guess, my body was getting adjusted to the not having harmful chemicals being rubbed into my skin. I think a lot of the non sweating has to do with the absorption with the baking soda and cornstarch. While everything else is damp with sweat, my underarms are cool as a cucumber. ;)

Use your imagination and pretend there is a bottle of Tea Tree Oil in this photo. Yep, I completely forgot to add it in the grouping. If you haven't been introduced to Tea Tree Oil yet, I'm introducing you to each other now. Tea Tree Oil is an amazing antiseptic and antifungal oil. It can be used for many things including shampoo and deodorant.

There are many recipes out there for homemade deodorant and I chose to use the TTO because, well because I like the smell and since it is an antifugal I figured, why not. I did cut down on the baking soda and go up on the cornstarch. I'm not sure if I would have any reactions to the baking soda, but there are reports of people breaking out because of it, so I decided to not use as much.

Homemade Deodorant

3 Tblsp Coconut Oil
3 Tblsp Cornstarch
1 Tblsp Baking Soda
15 drops Tea Tree Oil

In a small container heat the coconut oil just until it is soft and mixed it with the other ingredients until smooth. If you don't over heat the oil, you should be able to pour the mixture into an old deodorant container. (roll it all the way down)  If you do over heat it and it is a liquid, cool it down in the refrigerator until you can pour or scoop into the container.  ** Remember coconut oil becomes a liquid at temperatures over 76 degrees. It will soften if your house is on the warm side.

I have not seen any "oily" stains in my shirts; and that's a good thing. I have a white tee shirt I only wear at home and I've not noticed any of the darkening that happens to white shirts. It doesn't take covering your whole underarm and down the side of your body (I know I'm not the only one who has done this in the past); just a couple of swipes in the pit. Also, I don't have to worry about white marks on my dark tops any longer.

If you try making your own deodorant, I would love to hear about it.

You can read more about odor and deodorant HERE, HERE, and HERE.