Just a Little Catch Up

I'm beginning to wonder if this school year is ever going to end! Normally, we would have finished around the tenth, but with us traveling for an interview and then our move, we fell behind a little. Thankfully, in the state of Montana I don't have to send in any school records or calendars; so we are going to plug right along.  With this lingering over my head and no days off, I have finally realized ~ schooling year round is not for me.

I have been busily working on my family tree and that is why I haven't been around much. Family history almost consumes me when I'm working on it. I work at getting all of my household duties completed as early in the morning as I can, so I can spend a good chunk of the day researching. Reading how one started out as an indentured servant to become a very wealthy landowner is like a story found in a history book. Amazingly, that story is part of my family.

I tried something new yesterday ~ RHUBARB! I have no idea why I have never tried this wonderful vegetable - fruit. My neighbor gave me several recipes for rhubarb cake so after seeing how tall the rhubarb stems were, I pulled five and wowzers! I'll be posting the recipe later on.

Spring is definitely here and hopefully to stay! My bird feeders are bringing in beautiful feathered neighbors. We have eight pairs of Goldfinches, Black Headed Grosbeaks,and a beautiful pair of Rose Breasted Grosbeaks. We have also been enjoying watching the Bird Cams with two Montana Ospreys. It's really neat watching both cams because we know the area where the birds have their nests.

Jamie's enjoying his weekly shooting class. Someone in our county donated money to be used for community classes like this one. Because of the donation, the classes are offered for free. That's Jamie right in front.

I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable weekend!