Modesty and Fashion

"It is hardly necessary to waste words over the so-called bikini since it is inconceivable that any girl with tact and decency would ever wear such a thing." ~Modern Girl Magazine, 1957

I am not one of these ladies who wear my skirts down to my ankles or extemely high necklines and long sleeves. I do wear jeans and long shorts in the summer and you won't find me in one of those new skirted swimdresses that come down to the knees. Being modest is something I take into consideration and always have. You don't have to be covered from throat to toe to be modest. I can be in fashion and still be modest.

I love both of these statements in this video... "Modesty doesn't have to be frumpy and dumpy." "You can dress modest without sacrificing fashion."
Be sure to listen to the part about Power and Why it has to be Itsy Bitsy.