We Need to be Quiet and Listen

Sometimes we just need to be quiet and listen.

On Monday morning, I was out watering my flowers and the few little vegetables that are still reaching for the sky. ;) The sun had just come up over the horizon and it was so quiet. The only noises I heard where the chirping of birds, crowing of a rooster, the whinnying of horses and the mooing of cows; lots and lots of mooing coming from the neighboring farm. Sounds I so enjoy hearing!

Be Quiet and Listen

It is amazing what you can hear when cars and trucks are not zooming up and down the road.

In these quiet moments we need to just stop and listen.

Listen for a peaceful moment ~ Our days are full of hustle, that sometimes we just need a moment of peace. The early morning moments are my most peaceful.

Listen for a still small Voice~ I use this time, to say a quick prayer about something that may be on my heart. There are times when I hear, "The answer is coming" or "Wait a little longer" or "That is not what I want for you". No matter what the answer is, I enjoy hearing that Voice loud and clear.

Sometimes we just need to be quiet and listen to God.