Glacier National Park Part 1

For our anniversary, my husband took our family to Glacier National Park in western Montana. When we lived in the Bitterroot Valley, we wanted to visit, but never seemed to have the time. It's kind of funny when I think back to how we thought three hours was too much for travel time to visit. We drove almost 10 hours from the other side of the state for this trip. Brace yourself, because this post is picture heavy. But when you see the scenery, you'll understand why I had to limit myself in sharing pictures.

I'll never forget the sensation that ran through my body at the first sight of glaciers when rounding the curve in the road. It was feeling of speechless awe.

Don't you just want to run, twirl around and belt out "The hills are alive with the sound of music" at the top of your lungs?

Yeah, me too!

Don't forget to add your musical singing voice.

 Do it quickly, because if you have family like I do, they will tell you to SHUT. IT. UP.

No really, they didn't. But they did tell me to stop singing.

It was said the singing was unpleasant.  I might have to agree with them on this one.

Really, who cares how unpleasant my singing is when you are looking at these?

These are just a few of the many, many, many photos taken. Some are being used to sell and for the fair next month; once I know which ones I can share; you will all be the first to know.

Now you see why I stood in awe when we visited the park last week.