Where We School

I mentioned HERE if you walk into my house, you would not know we are a home educating family.  With only one student it is easier to just pick things up and move them to  a comfortable learning destination. Today, I'm sharing Where We School.


Since our move to Montana and living in a smaller house, I knew I would never have a true education spot. Last year, everything stayed in crates, and were moved back and forth each day. But this year ~a change! I took a closet in my laundry room that was full of boxes that are still waiting to be unpacked and moved them into the stairwell closet. Yeah,  that closet was full of junk that was left here from the previous owner. In July, I finally got tired of knowing a closet was storing someone else's junk and threw it all out. Now, it is storing my prized possessions.

I have always enjoyed sitting at the dining room/kitchen table with Jamie doing school work. I remember when his legs would dangle in the chair while he was in kindergarten. He was always so eager to learn at that age. Now he is at the age where... well, he's not too crazy about school. If I remember correctly, neither was I at his age.

I've never shown a picture of my kitchen. But this is where we do most of our learning, minus the laptop.  

We also enjoy reading in the living room.

We spend hours out and about learning what we can about this part of our state. We enjoy driving up the dirt road around 11:00 at night going out of town to sit and stargaze. What an amazing place to learn! Sitting under the Milky Way watching meteors and checking out the constellations is always fun. ~If you've never seen the Milky Way with your naked eye, I urge you to drive out as far into the country where lights will not hinder this amazing view.

These were taken last week and they are not the best, but we're learning the techniques of star photography. If you look closely, you will be able to see me (outline) in this photo.

We can catch glimpses of the Northern Lights out here.