Serve Him It's All We Are Required to Do

I was reading through my devotion journal and a page where I had drawn an asterisk and written a verse reference down caught my eye. I also wrote ALL we are REQUIRED to do is SERVE HIM. This entry was from the end of December, last year and at that time I was  reading through the book of I Samuel and was caught up in the lives of Samuel, Saul and David. There is so much we can learn by reading about these men.

Serve Him- it's all we are required to do.

Serve Him

Israel asked for a king; they wanted what others had. God gave them their desire although He was in control of their situations. He put a man in place who would eventually open the door for the next king, a man who would follow God to be put on the throne.

Obedience was the only thing Saul had to do to be successful. Sadly, he did not obey and his kingdom was given to a young man who was willing to obey God. While David did sin during his reign, he had a repentant heart, and he served the Lord.

 Serving the Lord with a happy heart is obedience.

There is nothing required of Christians, but to SERVE the Lord.

Serve the Lord With Gladness
Serve the Lord with gladness in our works and ways. 
Come before His presence with our songs of praise. 
Unto Him our Maker, we would pledge anew 
Life’s supreme devotion to service true.
Serve the Lord with gladness, thankful all the while 
For His tender mercies, for His loving smile. 
Blessed truth enduring, always just the same. 
We will serve with gladness and praise His name.
Serve the Lord with gladness, this shall be our theme. 
As we walk together, in His love supreme. 
Listening, ever listening for the still small voice. 
His sweet Will so precious, will be our choice.
Serve Him with gladness, Enter His courts with song. 
To our Creator, true praises belong. 
Great is His mercy, wonderful is His name. 
We gladly serve Him, His great love proclaim.
~B.B. McKinney

Serve Him- it's all we are required to do.