A Very Present Help {Thankful Thursdays}

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

For Christians, we can say God is our refuge. He is a shelter that we can run to in a time of need. But it doesn't end there, He is also a VERY PRESENT HELP. He is a help that is not underfoot when we are trying to prepare a meal or while cleaning our home; but a HELP that is always there just “out of sight”, a HELP that is there when we need Him most.

A Very Present Help

There are times when we will have to depend on faith in knowing God is there because His presence is not always going to be immediately known. I can’t imagine what Mary and Martha must have felt when Jesus did not come during Lazarus’ illness, after they sent word. Their Friend who loved them delayed His trip to town, even when He knew Lazarus was ill.

Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the
mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof
roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof.

The death of a loved one is hard. What was going to happen to Mary and Martha now that Lazarus has died? Who was going to support them? The Bible doesn't go into detail about the lives of this family other than they were friends of Jesus. Mary and Martha both were grieving and told Jesus their concerns when He finally made it into town. During the illness and death of Lazarus, Jesus was physically not there with them, but they still had their REFUGE to run to and their VERY PRESENT HELP to depend on.

I am so THANKFUL for a VERY PRESENT HELP because there are times even when I find myself in the middle of a situation because of my own stupidity. I am THANKFUL I don’t have to endure it alone.