Our Week in Review

Last week seemed like it would never end. How crazy is that? Having the week before off from scheduled school work caused this week to drag its feet. I think the longer days have a little to do with it. Today, I'm sharing our week in review.

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The Week in Review

Mikey has learned patience with Jamie’s school work. He either waits at the front door looking out at the birds and rabbits, or he is sleeping beside the chair.   Someone asked what kind of dog Mikey is, he is a Brittany Spaniel (bird hunting). Brittanys are very loyal and easy to train. Mikey has become my little shadow and naptime partner. I even taught him how shake hands and we are working with him learning to flip little treats off his nose to catch them in air.

Isn't he cute?

Thursday and Friday, I finally dove head first into croissant making. It is a drawn out process, BUT extremely easy pastry to make. I used Paul Hollywood’s recipe from his book 100 Great Breads. Buttery, flakey and oh so yummy!

I finished the baby sweater I was working on and would you believe I FORGOT to take a picture of it? I always take a picture of baby gifts, but for some reason, I managed to pack it up for mailing without getting a quick picture. You can see the yarn HERE. The color is called FERN, it is the first yarn on the second row. Let me just tell you a little about the Polka Dot Sheep store - I called to check on a different color to verify the amount they had listed on their site, they didn't have enough in, but Aimee was AWESOME! She recommended the FERN color when I told her about my project. She even went to check on buttons for me while on the phone. I placed my order online and within an hour, I received a noticed that my package had been shipped. Talk about wonderful customer service!

Saturday night, I started my very own knitted project. All these years of knitting, I have never knitted myself anything except for dishcloths. My sister sent me some yarn for Christmas in 2013 and I've been searching for a sweater pattern to knit. I finally found it at ALLFREEKNITTING. Honestly, I'm not too sure how the color of the yarn is going to look for this pattern, but I'm willing to knit a sleeve to see how it turns out. If all else fails, I'll be ordering size 35 needles to knit up this really cute afghan for me.

Saturday was my grocery shopping day, on the way home, I snapped this quick picture. My husband and I giggled about a private congressional meeting taking place west of us.

I hope your week and weekend have been just as exciting as mine. I’d love to hear about it.