Another Week for Another To Do List

This week begins our summer break from school. I can’t believe another school year has come to a close and has been recorded in the books and on the computer. My deep cleaning schedule is all about school this week because I’m working on TRANSCRIPTS, filing paperwork, and getting used books ready to sell. Of course, that is not all on my list for this week as you can see.

One extremely important thing I had to do this week was to change my hosting company. (That's why this post is a day late.) While the company I had was okay to work with, I needed someone that would help me by doing what they were being paid to do – help me when I called them without leaving me alone to swim the shark infested waters of self hosting. The new company I went with is still new to me, but had been recommended by several of my blogging friends, I’ll keep you updated on how I like using them.

On Friday, my sweet husband returns home after an almost two-week absence; I’ll be so glad to see him walk in the door. I did use this time to deep clean his side of the closet, his chest of drawers and his little treasure trove of goodies he had stored in several places. I know he will not be able to find anything when he gets home, but at least all the hoarded little receipts and scraps of paper with notes scribbled on them have been shredded. I took all his hunting clothes and boots and stored them in the laundry room closet, something I wanted done since the end of hunting season. YAY! They are all stored away and not taking up valuable space in our closet.

On my last grocery trip, I learned something astounding... I shopped for two people and splurged on a little more junky type foods for Jamie and me. Would you believe I spent almost the same amount of money and didn’t even buy ½ of the fruits, vegetables and meat I normally buy for three people. Paying for a convenience is not something I want to do again for a long time. This week’s grocery list will be back to normal with good, healthy food items listed.

I would like to say I’m coming right along on my quilt, but I can’t. I just replaced the blade in my Fiskars Rotary Cutter in January and bought a new self-healing mat in March to cut on and it seems that the blade can’t stay sharp, so I’m scissor cutting those squares – LOTS. AND. LOTS. OF. SQUARES. I’m thinking I may have to upgrade to a better quality cutter to get this project done.

I’m working on the sleeve of THIS sweater for me, I love the look, but I don’t care for the time consuming stitches. I like to know what I’m knitting while watching TV without spending every minute reading a pattern.

What is your week looking like? Do you have any special projects planned?