In Me Ye Might Have Peace {John 16:33}

Every morning we face a new day and because we live in the world, those days are never perfect. While some days only have minor bumps and our day seems peaceful, there are others where the world seems to crash in on top of us. During those rough moments, it is easy to see the worst in everything and not keep our focus on the Lord. But, we can be sure the Lord is right there with us and in control of the situation. In fact, He has gotten the victory over everything that we will go through in our lives. "In me ye might have peace" I love those words, don't you? Six words we can depend on at anytime.
In Me Ye Might Have Peace {John 16:33}

In Me Ye Might Have Peace

I love the way Amy Carmichael wrote about having peace in her book Edges of His Ways.

Our Lord did not say, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in your circumstances ye might have peace,” or “These things I have spoken unto you that in the love of others ye might have peace; but He did say, “These things” – things of wonder, joy, sorrow, preparation, “I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace.” Is there any surprise of grief that our dear Lord has not forseen? “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me, ye might have peace." We have people in our lives who will disappoint us, yes those moments hurt because we’ve trusted in them. But they are not the ONE who we are to put all of our trust in.

We can’t allow those disappointments to keep us from staying close to the Lord and enjoying the peace we have in Him.

 Remember those problematic moments are only temporary because Christ has overcome the world.