Weekend Wanderings {The Forgotten Homes}

It’s been a while since my last Weekend Wanderings post because of rainy afternoons and my husband being out of town most of May with his job. But I’m glad to share what we’ve come across while driving around and enjoying our time together. This week, the Weekend Wanderings {THE FORGOTTEN HOMES} edition.

Weekend Wanderings {The Forgotten Homes} l frogslilypad.net

On this particular trip, we hit the jackpot on old houses and buildings. Every old house I see out here, I wonder what kind of family lived there and what their lives must have been like. I can't begin to imagine what the winters were like with no REAL heating in the early 1900's.

How cute is this old house with a rock front? My husband stopped so I could get a look at this one. I can imagine children playing in the yard with a couple of dogs; a rope swing hanging in the old tree. LOVE it!

To some, the scenery here is not beautiful. To me, it's pretty, but not as pretty as what you will see when you get closer to the middle of the state and beyond.

While we were out, my husband used the opportunity for his benefit. We watched for green signs similar to this one, these tell hunters the private land is opened for hunting. When hunting this kind of land, you sign in with your hunting license info and the owner's receive a small stipend for allowing hunting on their land.  A win-win for both!

You can pretty much be guaranteed to see a runaway cow anytime you are driving. Evidently the grass IS GREENER and tastier on the other side of the fence.

We drove up one road to check for those green signs and look what I spotted...

GREE PINE TREES!!!!!! There's a little hope for me, yet. If I remember correctly, this area is only a couple of miles from our house and open for public hunting. I know where I'll be during turkey season. ;)

My first wildflowers of the year. The day I took this picture, the wind was blowing close to 40 mph, so the flowers were facing the wrong way, oh well.

If your wanderings have led you to interesting places, I'd love to hear about them.