The Lamp Who Lightens Our Darkness
I like to imagine what the earth was like before sin. The clean and perfectness of God’s creation; the light from the sun and moon, I wonder if they were different from what we have today. Because of both, it is a little difficult to think about the darkness and how dark it really was before God said, “Let there be light”. God knew exactly what He was doing when He created both sun and moon. He knew we would need light in the day to go about our business and we would need light at night to see by. We have another light we can depend on, the Lamp who lightens our darkness.
It wasn’t until after I started writing this post when I began to think about the light when it happened at the sound of God’s voice. What it must have been like as it flashed throughout the heavens, so joyful, comforting, and warm. That moment when darkness stopped and light appeared; it must have been amazing!
When Christ enters a human life the illumination that is given is a huge transformation of that person. That light, Christ, will never go out. The light may become dull and dim because of sin standing in the way of it, but it will never go out.
Heavenly Father, I rejoice that You are the never failing Lamp. I pray that I will work to keep sin from dimming the light You have in me. I pray I will allow Your light to shine through me and to bring Your light to the lost. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
The Lamp Who Lightens Our Darkness
It wasn’t until after I started writing this post when I began to think about the light when it happened at the sound of God’s voice. What it must have been like as it flashed throughout the heavens, so joyful, comforting, and warm. That moment when darkness stopped and light appeared; it must have been amazing!
When Christ enters a human life the illumination that is given is a huge transformation of that person. That light, Christ, will never go out. The light may become dull and dim because of sin standing in the way of it, but it will never go out.
Whether it is day or night, it is a privilege to live in the light.
Heavenly Father, I rejoice that You are the never failing Lamp. I pray that I will work to keep sin from dimming the light You have in me. I pray I will allow Your light to shine through me and to bring Your light to the lost. In Jesus’ name, Amen.