An Offering {Thankful Thursdays #59}
I remember as a little girl being given a quarter to take to Sunday school for an offering every week. As I grew older, I took part of any money I earned dusting and vacuuming for my grandmother and babysitting as an offering. When I got my first paycheck at 17, and gave my first real tithe from real money I worked for, that feeling was exciting.
Imagine being in the garden with Jesus the night of His arrest. The words He spoke, Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13) The gentle words spoken to a disciple who would later deny Him, the words for the one who betrayed Him. What an offering for these men and for those who deny Him today!
Jesus a perfect being became sin for us. He did so because of the promise God made in sending His Son to save the world. The horrible beating Jesus took was for you and me. The pain of hanging on the cross was for you and me. Being placed in a tomb was for you and me. But praise God, on the third day, Jesus did just as He said, He rose from the dead for you and me.
I have not heard of any offering as the one Jesus was for us. But I know He loves us in a way like no one else to lay down His life for you and me. To take the punishment of death and separation from God, so we don't have to. That is an unbelievable offering we should quickly accept and be willing to share with others.
Throughout those years, my parents taught the difference in tithes and offerings and that giving should be enjoyable, not painful. I’ve never been in the position to give all I had, but I received a give all offering when I was given a sandwich from a little girl in my class.
An Offering
Imagine being in the garden with Jesus the night of His arrest. The words He spoke, Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13) The gentle words spoken to a disciple who would later deny Him, the words for the one who betrayed Him. What an offering for these men and for those who deny Him today!
Jesus a perfect being became sin for us. He did so because of the promise God made in sending His Son to save the world. The horrible beating Jesus took was for you and me. The pain of hanging on the cross was for you and me. Being placed in a tomb was for you and me. But praise God, on the third day, Jesus did just as He said, He rose from the dead for you and me.
I have not heard of any offering as the one Jesus was for us. But I know He loves us in a way like no one else to lay down His life for you and me. To take the punishment of death and separation from God, so we don't have to. That is an unbelievable offering we should quickly accept and be willing to share with others.