How NOT to Put a Time Limit on God {4 Ways to Help}
/God doesn’t work on our time schedule. Nor does He always work the way we think. God knows the tiniest details of every situation we face. He knows we become be impatient, but He is still going to work in His perfect time. Because of that, we should never try and put a time limit on God.
Patience is a virtue many people need. I don’t know about you, but I like to think I’m patient – for most things. Then there are things where I tend to not be so patient, like waiting on God’s timing.
Again, if you are like me then you already know we can’t put God on a time schedule. But we try to do it anyway and fail hugely .I put God on a time limit once. I knew the situation was of Him, but I didn’t truly believe He would work in our best interest. When that time limit ended, I was heartbroken. When He did answer, I was so choked up I couldn’t believe it.
How NOT to Put a Time Limit on God
Don’t expect Him to do things the way we want, when we want.
To truly experience what God can do, we have to experience His unlimited power, wisdom, and love for us. When we put a time limit on God, then we can’t fully experience the blessings He has for us. We have to live patiently.
Believe in Him and His perfect timing.
When we don’t believe God will come through for us, we begin to doubt Him. Just like when Jesus calmed the storm. The disciples knew Jesus. They saw things He had done, but when he calmed the storm, it scared them and they began to question who Jesus was. (Mark 4:40-41)
God’s perfect timing, is just that – perfect.
While our view is limited in seeing what God can do, we have to walk in faith believing what He can and will do.
Put away worry and fear.
Worry and stress are not healthy on one’s body. It’s a proven fact. Fear will become a roadblock.
Do you believe God is who He says? Do you believe God hears and answers your prayers? When we allow fear to take over in a situation then we are compromising on our belief in God answering prayers. When we begin to not believe Him, He can’t work in the way He needs to in our lives.
Know His Ways.
While there are many things about God we will never understand this side of eternity. We can know Him and His characteristics by studying the Bible. The more we study, the more we know His character. So when God does work, we know it is Him.
When we let go of the situation and let God work in His perfect timing, we will see miraculous things happen.
Have you ever put God on a time limit? How did that work out for you?