The Christ, the Saviour of the World

There are times when we make decisions because of the influence of others. My Momma learned Bible verses as a little girl from an encouraging, elderly couple who lived nearby. While her family did not attend church often, there was a Bible in the home and good morals taught. My grandmother would help her find the verses so she could learn them every week.

Frog's Lilypad - Jesus, The Christ, the Saviour of the World. Whether we are influenced by another or hear the Gospel of Jesus ourselves, we can all say indeed He is The Christ, the Saviour of the World.

Years later, as my Aunt took her children to church, my Momma felt the pains of guilt for not having her boys in Sunday school. My oldest brother was five years old the first time he went. Every Sunday, Momma took the boys to Sunday school and she sat in a ladies class. For over a year, she listened to the Gospel before she realized she was not saved. After attending ladies visitation with her teacher and hearing about the gracious love of God being shared with others every week, my Momma accepted Jesus as her personal Saviour.

Through the influence of the Coles, my sweet Aunt Sandra, and a dear family friend, I can sit here and write the words 

I know Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World


Jesus: The Christ, the Saviour of the World

When Jesus traveled to Samaria, He had a reason. It wasn’t a quick change in plans; it was His Father’s will. (John 4:34)  Jesus knew there would be revival in that town because of the influence of one woman; a woman decent people avoided. This woman told Him she knew of and was waiting for the Messiah (John 4:25).

Something we tend to forget; the Jews were not the only ones waiting for Jesus.

Jesus always knows. Nothing takes Him by surprise.

While some of the disciples were more concerned about the things in life (Luke 9:57-62), this precious woman left behind her water pot as she went to tell anyone who would listen to what Jesus had said. Going back into the city to tell others showed a test of her faith. (John 4:28)

Are we more concerned about our water potor the soul of another?

Many of the Samaritans came to believe in Jesus because of the influence of this woman, and how she was told about the things she had done. (John 4:39) There were many others to believe on Jesus because they heard Him themselves. (John 4:42) One day we will know just how many people she influenced.

Whether we are influenced by another or hear the Gospel of Jesus ourselves, we can all say indeed he is The Christ, the Saviour of the World.

Frog's Lilypad - Jesus, The Christ, the Saviour of the World. Whether we are influenced by another or hear the Gospel of Jesus ourselves, we can all say indeed He is The Christ, the Saviour of the World.