8 Things I Would Change If I Could Start Over
/Thirteen years ago, I never thought I would be here - the mom of a homeschool graduate. As I look back over the years, I realize if I could have a do-over, there would be things I would change in our homeschool. While I will not worry about those things because they are in the past, I want to share them with you so if you are still in the trenches of homeschooling your children, you can be on the lookout for the same things. Who knows, you may even see yourself in me.
The first thing
- during our kindergarten year, I would focus more on playing and not be so focused on a boxed curriculum. While I know Jamie had a good foundation, we could have spent more in nature study.
The second thing
– I would have more Charlotte Mason and less traditional workbooks during the first through sixth-grade years. I would include picture study, more hymn study, and way more nature study.
The third thing
– I wouldn’t be so strict on completing workbooks. I would allow more self-paced learning and pick up where we left off the next year.
The fourth thing
– we would start year-round school much sooner. When I started it, our school opened to be freer since our school was 12 months long instead of 9 months. We could spend the hot days inside while enjoying the cooler days fishing, hunting, and camping.
The fifth thing
– start sooner not teaching every subject every day. Learning would have been more enjoyable if we focused on certain subjects each day instead of everything, every day.
The sixth thing
– Early to bed and earlier to rise; I can’t believe I’m saying that because I love being a night owl. I get more things completed at night, but I also love the stillness of the morning when things are not so hectic. I’m sure I would have more time for those little things that get pushed aside for another day.
The seventh thing
- how we used Teaching Textbooks . I loved using this math over the years, but if I could change something, I would not rely on the discs so much and focus more on writing out the steps of the math problems. I had a sneaky feeling Jamie would try to work every problem out in his head once he stopped using the program; he did just that while taking Business math.
The eighth thing
– I would relax and not be so uptight about schedules, timing, and deadlines. I would enjoy the moments we have without feeling the pressures of completing workbooks and stressing over deadlines.
Again, I can’t believe I’m here, the mom of a homeschool graduate. While the years are gone, they will be memories I can take with me into the future.
Do you see yourself wanting a change? Start now, don't wait and wish you had.