A Savings

Grocery Shopping is a love/hate situation for me. For the first couple of years after my husband and I were married, I had a list ready for every Friday night. Then when I went back to teaching, I would buy groceries every 2 weeks. When I came home full time, I started buying groceries once a month. I continued my once a month shopping until about 6 months ago. Since we have been living by faith, I have now started shopping when the “moola” is available. I’m so Thankful, that we have a freezer that is 1/4 of the way full and several shelves of home canned foods.

While growing up, my Momma was not a big couponer. But I loved getting the Sunday paper and looking through the coupons. Even then, I would clip a coupon for a favorite shampoo or make up item.

Within the first couple of months of being married, my husband and I would spend every Sunday afternoon going through the newspapers and getting the coupons and clipping what we needed. I remember him asking about why I did not clip certain coupons. I told him, that it is not an item that I normally use so it would be a waste of money to try and save 50 cents on a can of “navy beans.” I know some don’t think this way, that’s alright. But when I am responsible for being a good Steward with the money that God has given to us, some times coupons are not the best thing.

When it comes to grocery shopping, I was at one time a point A, point B, point C shopper. Then I moved on to the one stop shopping experience, which I like very much. DON’T THROW TOMATOES, PLEASE!!!

I like shopping at Walmart, or at least I did until I started noticing in the last couple of months, that they have started pulling some brands off their shelves and started pushing their off- brand. For me, since Walmart does not put on their labels where the food was grown, I don’t buy much of it.

I usually only buy sugar and milk. I’m a name brand person, I like knowing that the orange juice that I am putting into my family is grown here in the USA, Florida in fact.

I like knowing that I don’t have to worry about some strange chemical that we don’t use here is entering our bodies.

I’ve been working on a price book, so I’ll know what I’m spending and what I’m saving or what I could be saving. This is something, that I’ve been working on for sometime now.

I like knowing when I go into Ingles, Publix, or Kroger that I can get Fleischsmann’s Rapid Rising Yeast for $4.12 a jar at Walmart. When I see the $6.89 price on the same size jar at one of the other places, I know that it is way cheaper at Walmart and I haven’t seen a coupon that will make up for the extra money while shopping at one of the other stores.

Today, I finally broke down and went from Point A (Publix), to Point B (Ingles), to Point C (Walmart) I had only 1 coupon. Publix and Ingles is having a Buy 1 get 1 free sale. I took $50.00 to spend on groceries. I was able to get everything I needed, then a couple of extras with that money.

Here is what I bought:

Publix (Spent $6.47/ Savings $5.48):

2 packages Broccoli Florets $1.00 each/original 2.50

1 Chicken of the Sea PINK SALMON pouch $1.85

2 (2 packs) Cokes $2.49 BOGO *extra splurge

Ingles (Spent 14.37/ Savings $12.33)

1 package split chicken breast $3.37/original 7.84

2 Barilla Spaghetti Noodles $1.38 BOGO

2 Duke’s Mayonnaise $3.28 BOGO

2 Laura Lynn Self Rising Flour $1.78 each/ original $2.48

1 Kraft Mozzarella Cheese $1.78 / original $3.58

2 Snickers Candy Bars .56 / original .78 each plus .50 coupon doubled * extra splurge

Walmart (Spent $27.69)

1 gallon milk $1.88

1 18 count large eggs $1.77

1 Sarah Lee Hot Dog Buns $1.97

1 2lb bag pinto beans $1.96

1 Johnsonville turkey sausage $2.98

3 Jennie O frozen ground turkey $1.56 each

1 Skippy Peanut Butter $3.42

1 Crisco Shortening $1,84

1 Butter $2.32

1 Hot Dogs $1.88

1 1lb lard $1.00

1 Bacon $2.18

I will say, that Walmart can beat some prices hands down. But since the groceries stores around here all double coupons, I usually use the coupons there, unless I know for sure that the Walmart’s price is cheaper even with the coupon being doubled at the other store.

In today’s economy, a lot of people are finding ways to add money to their wallets. To some, there’s not many places that they can cut spending. While we are doing all that we can to save money, the stores are raising prices. But if we all take a second look we can find ways to save.