A Spring Weekend in Montana

For the past two weeks, it has been warm and beautiful around here. So nice, most of the days we enjoyed having the windows open along with the front and back doors. Yep, it was that warm! As many would say good things must come to an end and early this morning it began to snow. As of right now, we have about 4 inches of snow with a couple of knee deep drifts. :)

Since it was really nice on Saturday and we needed water, we went to Medicine Rocks State Park to walk.  We went the back roads and since Jamie and I have never been that way, we were amazed at the most beautiful sites we have seen so far for this area.

One of the many dirt roads. This one was to a small fishing reservoir...

We saw many windmills on the ranches.

You can seriously see for miles out here.

The light started changing when we made it to the park, so these pictures are not the best. 

Medicine Rocks State Park

Some of these rocks are MASSIVE! That's me standing beside one.

Some have holes where you can walk through.


Pumping the ever so tasteful spring water to take back home.

We even saw and heard Meadlowlarks around the sides of the road.