Helping Our Children Fulfill Their Dreams

This week we will be attending a bull riding school. This is something that our son has wanted to do ever since riding his first steer. Sadly, I was not there to see that first ride; it was one of those "Momma's not here to worry, so let me give it a try and if I don't like it, no one has to know about it", situations. I'm still mad about missing the very first ride (not really), but my husband and son have a memory they can share forever and I'm happy with that.

Before the steer riding started, Jamie was chute dogging (steer wrestling) and he loved it, still does. He is built for steer wrestling and he is rather good at throwing the steer down and doing it quickly. Between steer wrestling and bull riding, bull riding is probably not going to be his best rodeo event, but he loves it and it is a dream of his to ride bulls just like his dad did when he was younger.

My husband shared this with his friends on Facebook early last week.
I gave myself a rule to live by on the day that I found out I was going to be a Daddy. That rule was, that no matter what my son wanted to be in life I would work as hard as I could and do whatever I could to put him in the position to be the best he could be, and have all of the opportunities he needed be successful.

He decided a couple of years ago that he wanted to rodeo and be a bull rider. So in just over a week we (as a family) will make an all night drive so he will have the opportunity to spend 2 days with Cody Custer learning how to be the best bull rider he can be.

I thank God that he will have the chance to learn how to rodeo, from not just a former World Champion, but from someone who knows how to handle the stress of the sport and the pressures that come with the rodeo lifestyle, and who still keeps God first in his life.

Before we moved to Montana, we were seriously considering moving to the Texas/Oklahoma area so Jamie would have easier access to many of the people who could help him in either event.  Helping our son to fulfill his dreams was something we wanted to do, even if it meant moving 900 miles from everyone we knew. Little did we know, the Lord had other plans and placed us in an area where we have almost the same access to men who can help Jamie. We are now in an area where all the local rodeos are open to riders and even have a junior division.

Last year, while waiting on the next month's junior rodeo day, my husband and son spent several hours each evening practicing form for bullriding even during and after the rain. This year will be about the same once the warmer weather sets in.

                      Here are some things I've learned to help my child fulfill his dreams.

1. Encourage don't discourage~ I heard my husband tell Jamie just the other night, if you want ride do it. I'll do what I can to get you there just don't forget about steer wrestling, because it will help pay your way to bullriding.

2. Don't stand is his way~ I could always say, you're not riding because of the risks. But, I have to remember young men and women get hurt all the time playing basketball, football, softball, etc.

3. Be a living example~ No matter what I do, I need to allow my son to see me work hard at whatever it is I'm doing. He needs to see me not be a quitter.

4. Show my support~  A lot of times, just being there goes a lot further than saying anything. I want to be a haven of encouragement and positive words for my tender hearted son. When the time comes and Jamie needs to talk to me, he'll feel free to come and we can talk.

5. Pray~ The best thing I can do for Jamie is to pray for him.