Weekend Wanderings {The Back Road}

This weekend my husband and I enjoyed a nice long, bumpy ride. We went to check out the new Tractor Supply store in the area.  We got excited seeing the prices on a couple of things we've been saving for. They are about $40 cheaper than the local feed store and we are excited because we'll be saving money.

While many around here won't agree about the need of competition among stores to help keep prices low, we’re excited about a new chain store in the area.

Our WEEKEND WANDERINGS led us up the back road on a scoria road. For those of you not knowing what scoria is, it is a type of volcanic rock. Out here there are buttes made of it and it is used in place of gravel since there is an abundance of the neat rock and so little of gravel. Any time I mention gravel, my husband looks at me and asks, where’re you gonna get it? :)

Our travels took us through the oilfield. I didn't take pictures of the PUMP JACKS  because I don’t know if there would be any backlash from an oil company since the company name is posted on the gate around them. So to be safe, if you look closely on the right side of the picture below, there are two pump jacks and on the left are holding tanks. Isn't that open land crazy?

I was a little surprised to see such a large amount of pine trees in this area. This Southern girl dearly misses seeing the color green year round. (Our little house was nestled under huge Ponderosa Pine trees when we lived in the Bitterroot Valley.)  While pine trees are not in abundance around here, I wanted to jump out of the truck and run down the hill and get a good sniff of the pine scent. But, I didn't because it was up in the 70’s and I was not going to risk running into the only Mr. Rattlesnake who would be brave enough to come out in the warm weather on Saturday. Tall or short, skinny or fat, I'm always happy to see pine trees.

Anywhere you go out here, you are bound to see cows. While they are not my favorite farm animal, I do like seeing them because you never know what they'll be doing.  Those little calves are enjoying the warm sun with their mommas.

I have a fascination with old buildings; it doesn't matter if it is a house, a school/church, or an empty downtown building. I can't help but wonder about the people who either lived there, went to school there, worshipped there, or worked there.  The love of history comes out when I see them.

The next few pictures are from Sunday afternoon, I had to run to town and we came home on one of the back roads.

Can you imagine living here 100 years ago?

I finally saw something that I’ve wanted to see. Can you see it? Look again, I'll wait for you...

That luscious greenness tickles my heart, it’s a sure sign spring is here. While this field is actually winter wheat, all the other fields are beginning to show signs of green grass poking through all the brown weeds. I am so excited!

I mentioned in my last Weekend Wanderings wanting to get a good picture of my little partner in crime. Mikey loves going for a ride and looking out the window, I'm pretty sure he is counting down the days to where he can be out pheasant hunting this fall.

Did you have a good weekend? I'd love to hear about it.