A Deep Cleaning Week in Review

What a week! If you read my post from Monday, then you know I had a busy week planned with no schoolwork. My busyness kept me in two rooms for four days. I didn't leave the house to go anywhere other than to walk Mikey.

The Week in Review l frogslilypad.net

On Monday, I spent the day deep cleaning everything in the bathroom. I laid the new shelf liner I bought six weeks ago when I changed out the liner in the kitchen. The paper in the bathroom was actually pretty and I hated to go through the hassle of removing it, but it was time to get rid of the peel and stick mess, so I went ahead and pulled up the old stuff and laid the new liner. When my sweet Jamie walked in, he told me the bathroom smelt like “old lady fumes”. We giggled, because they were some powerful fumes! But thankfully, I was able to rid of the smell with some 409 cleaner.

I normally stay away from wallpaper because when we were first married, our little fixer upper house had avocado green wallpaper in the kitchen and marigold yellow in the bathroom. From that moment on, we have never owned another house with wallpaper until now. On Monday, I went against my preference and put up paintable wallpaper because of plaster problems. (cue the Hallelujah Chorus) My husband and I are both very impressed with the way the wall turned out. You can't see or feel the problem places. The waviness in the wall, you can feel it but not see it anymore. As soon as I get a new curtain rod up, I'll share a photo, since all that is hanging in there now is a piece of dark fabric. :)

I love our little Mikey, he is the best companion to just sit around with. But boy, I didn’t realize he sheds so much. My laundry and sewing room has become a hair trap. I usually vacuum in there every day, but when I began moving things around, I was shocked at all the hair that was found. I seriously could have spun it all and knitted a sweater with it. Yeah, that much!

My little sewing area and fabric shelf was in a mess! I took two boxes of fabric to the basement that has been taking up valuable space. It’s fabric that I don’t use too often and is bulky, so it needed to be stored some place else. I found several UFOs among the fabric. I knew I had them, but I just did not feel inspired to complete them, because of the unorganized mess in the room. Now, I’m inspired and ready to get them finished.

I finally hung my antique mirror my mom brought to me back in August. I painted the greenish gold frame a flat black and I love it. I think it looks great with my quilt block and doilies.

The quilt block my grandmother made, the doily on the left I bought at a yard sale and the one on the right, my sister crocheted and sent to me at Christmas, I just love how it flutters around the hoop. I have several more quilt blocks that I'll be hanging on the other side of the mirror once they are placed in hoops.

I bought this little candle holder at the thrift store about a year ago. Since I don't have a candle for it, I thought about the vintage thread that belonged to my grandmother. I love the stray strings!

A top priority for this week was the school closet. I tackled it and I came out on top! For curious minds, that is a vintage 50 pounds Victor oleomargarine can. It is perfect for storing bird seed.

Every night this week, except for Monday, I’ve spent time knitting. While I was hoping to have the sweater finished, I’m far from it. Maybe by Sunday night, I’ll have it finished. I ordered the buttons on Thursday and was a little surprised to find the standard shipping cost to the middle of Nowhere, Montana costs more than three packages of buttons, go figure.

Today, I’ll be working on filing away school papers for the past six weeks and preparing lesson plans for the last weeks ahead. It’s hard to believe our 10th year of being at home is soon coming to a close.