My Christian Heritage {Thankful Thursdays}

I am

thankful for my Christian Heritage

. I'm thankful for a precious lady who took time to show my Mother how to be saved. This lady prayed daily for our family when my Mother first accepted Jesus as her Saviour. Over the years, she has continued to pray for us and to this day, my little family is being prayed for by this precious friend, and I AM THANKFUL FOR THAT.

Thankful for a Happy Marriage: a Thankful Thursdays Link up l

My Christian Heritage

I was raised in church and attended the Christian school. While our church and school were not perfect, I was able to hear about how God loved me six days a week for sixteen years. I also had the opportunity to sit under the preaching of many of the great men of our faith, and I AM THANKFUL FOR THAT.

I am thankful for being taught about God and His Word while growing up. What precious words are contained in the Bible; words of hope, words of peace, words of love and encouragement, words for every situation we can face. I am thankful for being taught to memorize Bible verses.

While I did not always understand the way I was being raised as a young person, I am thankful for parents who did what was best for me. They knew what the world had to offer me and they did what they could to protect me from it. The rules that were set were sometimes broken on my end, but no matter what, my parents loved and cared for me, and I AM THANKFUL FOR THAT.

Now that I am grown and have a family of my own, I am thankful for listening to my mother when it came to certain young men. While my heart felt as if it were being crushed at the time, the Lord was preparing the right man to enter into my life; a man who would lead me and our son in the right way. A man who would accept God’s calling on his life, and I AM THANKFUL FOR THAT.

While we live 1700 miles away, it doesn’t stop the love and prayers. I have parents who love my family enough to send cards, letters and special goodies in the mail. Any time we talk on the phone the words “I love you and I’m praying for you” are always spoken, and I AM THANKFUL FOR THAT.

I am THANKFUL FOR THE CHRISTIAN HERITAGE I have so I can pass it along to my son.