4 Ways to a Guarded Prayer Life

Our prayer life is important. It’s a time where we can worship and talk to God. We’re able to pour our heart out to the One who loves and deeply cares about us no matter what. Without a prayer life, we put our lives in danger of moving away from the Lord. The Constant One, He never moves away, we are the ones who move away from Him. The One who is in total control of everything that is going on around us, we’re the ones who move away from the control and safety of the Lord. We need to have a guarded prayer life.

4 Ways to a Guarded Prayer Life #prayer #quiettime #devotions

When I opened an email asking me to guest post, I was humbled. But fear hit me because I had to be honest with this friend, I was the wrong person at that moment to write about prayer. Over the years, I’ve shared plenty about prayer on my site, but that day, I was in the middle of a battle because of it. The battle hit me out of nowhere and had been going on for several weeks with no end in sight.

Four years praying about a need with no answer, I was discouraged. I even felt a little vindictive; “Why would I want to spend time in prayer when the prayers were not being listened to or answered? It was all a waste of time”. Funny, I felt guilty anytime I thought about praying for safety or guidance throughout the day. I was the one who moved away from a guarded prayer life.

Nothing should keep you from having a guarded prayer life.


As a mom and homemaker, I have to be careful when I have my devotion and prayer time. This special time with the Lord happens in the early morning after my husband leaves for work. If I wait later on in the day, everything that is going on pulls my attention away from worshiping and talking to God. Those dirty dishes become vocal when I leave them. The pile of dirty laundry throws a party in celebration of being neglected. School work that needs grading shouts my name with threats of a revolt. My prayer time can’t revolve around life. Life has to revolve around my prayer time. When I take those early moments in the day, everything else seems to fall into place. While my days are not perfect, they are easier to face because I have already turned everything over to the Lord. He is in total control of what goes on.

Our Prayer Time Can't Revolve Around Life, Life Must Revolve Around Our Prayer Time.


When I told my friend I would pray about sharing my thoughts on prayer, I meant it. Before I could ask the Lord about a guest post, I had to find the root of my problem. 

Discouragement  is a HUGE problem for many, myself included. All it takes is a little seed to take root and disrupt a good thing we have going in our prayer life. It took a little growth from discouragement to cause me to lose my faith in the Lord.

During my prayers, the Lord showed me several things I want to share with you today.

We are to have a constant abiding prayer life. Without it, we can’t dodge the fiery darts Satan shoots at us. (Eph 6:12) Because of Jesus, we can come boldly to the throne of grace to ask for help. (Hebrews 4:14-16)

4 Ways to a Guarded Prayer Life

Prepare our hearts for prayer

• We can’t tolerate sin. Yes, we are under grace, but it doesn’t give us a pass to do as we please.

• We have to confess all known sin.

• Sometimes, fasting is required. Our hearts have to be sincere and fully focused on God. We have to willing to give up something(s) for the Lord to answer a prayer.

Prepare our lives

• Our lives reflect God’s righteousness.

• Our lives are to be obedient to the Bible. (1 John 3:22) A Christian’s prayers are hindered because of disobedience.

• Our marriage is to reflect God. Ill thoughts and actions against our spouse is a sin and hinder our prayers. (1 Peter 3:1-7)

Prepare in faith

• When our faith is in God, anything is possible when we pray. (Mark 9:23)

• We are to come in diligent faith. (Hebrews 11:6)

Prepare our motives

• Ask for the right reasons. (James 4:3)


 delayed answers to prayers are not denials. Unanswered prayers may be answered, but not like we think. We’ve all prayed silly prayers in the past we are thankful God didn’t answer. We’ve prayed about situations and the Lord didn’t see fit to answer for whatever reason. Sometimes those unanswered prayers are answered prayers.

“When we do not see how things can work out for the best and do not understand why our prayers seem to go unanswered, we can be confident that God is till in control. In the fullness of His time, the “counsel of the Lord” – His purpose and plan for our lives – will be accomplished no matter what it takes. There is no reason for us to fret and fear, for God is in charge.” – Dr. Paul Chappell

4 Ways to a Guarded Prayer Life #prayer #quiettime #devotions

10 Ways to Pray for Our Children with FREE DOWNLOAD

From the day I found out I was going to have a baby, I began praying for his salvation and his spouse. If you're like me, there are some days that we just don't pray for our children like we should. When I think about that, it makes me cringe. To know there is something more important than my son to take me away from praying for him like I should is unpleasant. If we don't PRAY for our children, they will fall PREY to the world.

10 Ways to Pray for Our Children

Pray for Our Children

For several weeks, I’ve been busily working on creating a Prayer/Devotional Journal. I want to be able to keep everything together for as long as I can, instead of having 100 books to store when I’m finished using them. While I’ve been working on this journal, I came across many ways to pray for my son. I personally like these 10 ways best of all. These are things that I can pray about each day, instead of breaking them down into a certain day or month.

  • Nothing will hinder his salvation and relationship with Christ early in life. (Matthew 19:14) 
  • He will know the true God and have a desire to do God’s will all of his life.(Psalm 119:26,33-35) 
  • As he hears the Bible, he will develop a love and dependency for God and His Word.(Psalm 71:17) 
  • For his growth: an increase in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and others. (Luke 2:52) 
  • He will have a thankful heart and positive attitude. (Psalm 126:2-3; Romans 8:31) 
  • He will be protected from Satan in every area of life. (Psalm 121) 
  • God would reveal the inclination to sin and enable him to overcome them before they become sinful habits. (Psalm 139:23-24; I John 1:8-9) 
  • He will be successful in the work God has planned for him. (Ephesians 2:10) 
  • He will have a strong sense of belonging to a family that is loving and dwells together in unity. (Psalm 133) 
  • He will respect those in authority over him. (Romans 13:1; Ephesians 6:1-4)

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5 Ways I Pray For My Husband

With all the nonstop discouraging headlines of a young Christian reality TV show family, it only shows that Satan is out to destroy ANY family he can. It doesn’t matter who the family is from the famous and rich to the unknown and poor, Satan wants to destroy Christian marriages. While I’ve never been drawn into watching this particular TV program because I did not agree with the way the family was exploited and several other things in their lives, I can’t help but hurt for another Christian family. As a wife, I know I have to pray for my husband, there is no one else to do it for him but me. These are five ways I pray for my husband, daily.

As wives, we have to be on our guard - we can’t sit by with our eyes closed to things going on in our lives just because we are Christians. Being a Christian does NOT automatically keep us from these problems. While many of us are in a “protective” environment at home, our husbands are exposed to things daily in their lives while at work and around other people. Those things are easily brought into the home when they return.

If we don't pray for our husband, who will?

Five ways I pray for my husband

Protection – this is far more than just getting him back home from work or errands. He needs a hedge of protection around his mind, eyes, ears, mouth, hands, and feet. His whole being needs to be protected from the things of the world. (I Peter 5:8, Ephesians 6:11-18)

Obedience to God – My husband needs to be obedient to God’s will for his life. Whatever God’s will is I pray that my husband will be willingly obedient to it. (Proverbs 3:5-6, James 4:17)

Leadership – God designed the husband to be the leader in the marriage and home. I pray that I am the kind of wife my husband can be that leader for; I don’t want to be a hindrance that causes him to not be able to lead. (Ephesians 5:23-25, I Peter 3:7)

Wisdom – My husband needs wisdom in everything. I pray that his heart and eyes are open to understanding and that he will continue to fear the Lord. (Proverbs 1:5-7, Ephesians 1:16-19)

Strength – My husband’s job requires strength, living a Christian life does too. I pray my husband’s physical strength will continue so he can work to his fullest. I also pray my husband's spiritual strength will be strong in the Lord in is daily life. (Ephesians 3: 16, Ephesians 6:10, Joshua 1:9)

I pray that God will be the center of our marriage. He is the only One we can truly depend on to keep ourselves pure and our marriage pure and together.